Check the suitability of stock investments with our scoring system that combines both fundamental and technical analysis plus get a 12-month price projection aggregated from Wall Street Analysts.
• Stock Score Report: Combines three scores to create a single overall score. Our proprietary system combines short and long-term technical factors, Wall Street’s opinion, and other fundamental factors into an overall score that measures a stock’s suitability for investment.
1. Overall Score: A weighted combination of our Fundamental and Technical scores that provides a measure of suitability for investment.
2. Short-term Technical Score: Considers price and volume trends in recent days and weeks, combined with metrics that measure how volatile the stock has been.
3. Long-term Technical Score: Considers price and volume trends over recent weeks and months, combined with metrics that measure how volatile the stock has been.
4. Fundamental Score: Combines valuation metrics with the aggregate Wall Street analyst opinion.
• Twelve-Month Forecast: See the median between high and low projections aggregated from Wall Street analysts.
• Custom Watchlists: Create, save and edit your own unlimited custom watchlists.
• Top Five lists:
Top 5 Overall: Five stocks with highest current overall scores
Top 5 Score Gainers: Fives stocks showing biggest current gains from the previous session
Top 5 After Earnings: Five stocks with highest scores after earnings are reported
Top 5 Searched: Five stocks that are most searched in our database
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